2017年5月10日 星期三




前安組:江前安、黃翰洋(Harrison Huang、謝岱娜(Diana Hsieh)、彭林禹

 71. How can seeking divine guidance help you to make wise choices regarding education, career planning, marriage, and family?

71. 尋求神的幫助如何能幫助你在學業、職業規劃、婚姻與家庭等方面做出明智的選擇? 

 Yo Whazzzup 😙 !! I'm Harrison. I'm 15 now & 9 grade~
I love music so so so much(including listening & playing)~
I play piano and some violin, and I'm a Big Fan of "The Piano Guys" ~~
Our family have 4 boys(super noisy😂😂~), and I'm the second oldest in my family.
Nice to meet you

Hi👋🏻 I'm Diana .I'm a grade 9 student.
I love music, and I play the drums and the piano. 🎶
I love sport such as swim and run . 
I interested in handmade crafts.💕
I'm the third born of the 5 children in my family. 
Nice to meet you 😁

 75. What might I be giving up if I wait to get married?

75. 如果我慢結婚的話,可能要放棄些什麼?

 53. What attributes can a husband and wife develop through their covenant marriage that will help them to become more like Heavenly Father?

53. 夫妻可以在婚姻聖約中培養哪些品格,幫助彼此變得更像天父?


Hi! My name is LEO. I am a grade 11 student. I love NBA2K17 and I am a 
big fan of LeBron James. And l am interested in playing basketball too

70. · What could you do to act in faith as you consider this question and make future plans?

70. · 你在思考這個問題,規劃未來時,可以憑信心採取哪些行動?85. · 你現在可以做什麼來準備自己建立永恆的婚姻與家庭?

  94. · What doctrine did we learn from our study of1 Corinthians 11:11 that can help us understand the issue of same-gender marriage through the Lord’s perspective?

94. · 我們從研讀哥林多前書11:11學習到什麼教義,可以幫助我們從主的觀點來了解同性婚姻的議題?


My name is laura.
I like to eat cake and cookies.
My interest are playing the paino and the violin.

 Hi👋🏻 I'm Melinda. I'm a grade 9 student.
I love music, and I play the cello and the piano. 
I'm the first born of the 6 children in my family. 
My favorite pop singer now is charlie puth.
Nice to meet you 🙂

 71. · How can seeking divine guidance help you to make wise choices regarding education, career planning, marriage, and family?
71. · 尋求神的幫助如何能幫助你在學業、職業規劃、婚姻與家庭等方面做出明智的選擇?

 84. · Why do you think it is important to make marriage and family a priority in your life?

84. · 你認為把婚姻與家庭放在生活中的首位為什麼很重要?

92. · What could you do to act in faith as you strive to answer your brother’s questions?

92. · 在你努力回答哥哥的疑問時,可以憑信心採取哪些行動?

 翊軒組:彭翊軒()、周語晟(Joshua Chou)、王金鳳(Jennifer




並將進一步用口語的互動的管道,例如 messenger 對話群組,或 Skype 對話群組進行交流。

也促成2017年5月10日我們在本地時間6:00-6:40,與 Centerville 的同學們連線口語對話。


主題是 Marriage and Family (婚姻與家庭) 取材自《聖經新約精通教義教福音進修班師用本》



